Sunday, December 28, 2008

Highlights of the week!

One of my New Year's resolutions will be to post here more often.  Seriously.  

We've been CIO with Nick.  It's been a nightmare.  The guy just doesn't want to sleep.  Well, he'll sleep on me.  We did have a great night last night, but tonight...not so good.  He's overtired because he didn't nap well today.   He's been asleep for about an hour....but just woke up again and he's fussy.  I'm not going in though!   :(  This is the hardest thing.  

Lauren picked up a little bug this week...a cough...but with her, it always turns into the penguin has been used a lot last night and throughout the day.  I hope she's better tomorrow.  I hate that wheezing!   On a funny note....she was reading a book today and she started licking her finger to turn the page.  Hilarious.  

Emma was over the moon about Christmas this year.  She was so genuinely happy and was the best!  She slept all night in her bed Christmas Eve and was so proud of herself for doing that...she came running down the stairs and woke us up at 6:30 to tell us about it AND to tell us that Santa had left her a dollhouse.  She told me today that she was going to send Santa an email asking him for a dollhouse for her baby dolls.  Apparently the one he got her isn't big enough.  That's neat.   

School is out for another dance class either.  It could be a long week for me. ;)  

It's quiet now....I'm going to bed!  

Friday, November 21, 2008

Where does the time go....

Seriously...Thanksgiving is next week???  Geez.

Nicholas is a little over 3 months now....can't believe it.  He rolled over last Friday while he was on his playmat.  He performed for Daddy, I saw him just as he had rolled onto his was quite exciting!  :)  I pulled out the camcorder but he decided once was enough.  Poop.   Both of the girls were already 4 months when they rolled over....Nick obviously has inherited his mommy's competitive nature.  He wants to be #1! Atta boy!  

Emma is a complete most kids are obviously....but she hears everything and remembers everything!  I forget just how much.   In the bathroom the other day, she asked me a question.  I was pondering my answer and I could hear her saying "Mommy?"  "Mommy!".    Then I heard....."Good talk."   OMG.   She did the same thing to Lauren in the car about a week later....same scenario...asked Lo a question, she didn't answer.  Emma called her name about 5 times, Lo still ignored her.....then I heard "Good talk."  with a very annoyed expression on her face.  HA!   Think she's heard that once or twice??     These kids are hilarious...without any effort at all.  

More later.....duty calls!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7th

I have to get better at this!  

Emma has been really funny lately...I need a little note pad to carry around with me at all times because I know I'm forgetting things.  

The other night I was trying to get her to eat peas for dinner, she was refusing.  I told her to eat the peas, she said "no".  I reminded her that she was supposed to say "Yes ma'am" and eat her peas.  She sat there for a minute or two and said "I say: I don't like to eat peas.  And then you say: That's okay Emma, you don't have to eat them."    MOG!  

She started saying two things this weekend...."Hey, can you give me a moment?" and "Are you kidding ME?!"  Cracks me up.  

She has been getting up in the middle of the night to potty, all on her own and for the past full week, she has been pull-up free.  However, she fell asleep last night on the couch, just wiped out from our trip I think and she had just downed a cup of milk.  So of course she had an accident. :(  But that's okay because I really think we're making serious progress.  Go Emma Go!  

Lauren is just a chatter box....repeats everything and talks in full sentences mostly.  She still talks through her nose though when she's pronouncing anything with an "s".  It's funny but I sure hope this is something she grows out of soon.    She is so different from Emma...she throws mini-tantrums, hits and pushes and is SO into Mommy.   And even though she hits and pushes, she knows that it's wrong because she immediately covers her eyes and looks down.  Then gives hugs.  I hope this is something else she'll outgrow has really thrown me for a loop. Emma never hit or pushed!  

Anyway, I wanted to write those few things down about Emma before I forget them.  I'll try to post more tomorrow as it's almost 11pm.  I need to upload some pics from our 4th of July weekend! 

Thanks for reading!  

Thursday, May 22, 2008

First Blog!

Okay, so I'm here.  I decided to join my friends and start recording the daily happenings around the Kelley House.  I often write things on my calendar hanging in the kitchen...but this will be a lot easier to record the great wisdom that pours from Emma's mouth and Lauren's fast developing speech in great detail!

It's 9:15pm and I have a certain little girl to get to bed.  I just wanted to get my blog up and running!

More later!!!