Sunday, December 28, 2008

Highlights of the week!

One of my New Year's resolutions will be to post here more often.  Seriously.  

We've been CIO with Nick.  It's been a nightmare.  The guy just doesn't want to sleep.  Well, he'll sleep on me.  We did have a great night last night, but tonight...not so good.  He's overtired because he didn't nap well today.   He's been asleep for about an hour....but just woke up again and he's fussy.  I'm not going in though!   :(  This is the hardest thing.  

Lauren picked up a little bug this week...a cough...but with her, it always turns into the penguin has been used a lot last night and throughout the day.  I hope she's better tomorrow.  I hate that wheezing!   On a funny note....she was reading a book today and she started licking her finger to turn the page.  Hilarious.  

Emma was over the moon about Christmas this year.  She was so genuinely happy and was the best!  She slept all night in her bed Christmas Eve and was so proud of herself for doing that...she came running down the stairs and woke us up at 6:30 to tell us about it AND to tell us that Santa had left her a dollhouse.  She told me today that she was going to send Santa an email asking him for a dollhouse for her baby dolls.  Apparently the one he got her isn't big enough.  That's neat.   

School is out for another dance class either.  It could be a long week for me. ;)  

It's quiet now....I'm going to bed!