Friday, November 21, 2008

Where does the time go....

Seriously...Thanksgiving is next week???  Geez.

Nicholas is a little over 3 months now....can't believe it.  He rolled over last Friday while he was on his playmat.  He performed for Daddy, I saw him just as he had rolled onto his was quite exciting!  :)  I pulled out the camcorder but he decided once was enough.  Poop.   Both of the girls were already 4 months when they rolled over....Nick obviously has inherited his mommy's competitive nature.  He wants to be #1! Atta boy!  

Emma is a complete most kids are obviously....but she hears everything and remembers everything!  I forget just how much.   In the bathroom the other day, she asked me a question.  I was pondering my answer and I could hear her saying "Mommy?"  "Mommy!".    Then I heard....."Good talk."   OMG.   She did the same thing to Lauren in the car about a week later....same scenario...asked Lo a question, she didn't answer.  Emma called her name about 5 times, Lo still ignored her.....then I heard "Good talk."  with a very annoyed expression on her face.  HA!   Think she's heard that once or twice??     These kids are hilarious...without any effort at all.  

More later.....duty calls!